Happy SUnday!!! What do you think of my heading picture? It's one of my assistants walking on the Yorktown, VA Beach... I love the footprints in the sand.... One the reasons I love living here is the great beaches... they are so much fun to go to ~ except during summer ~ when there are just too many people for my taste. I love to take the girls to the beach after school & let the do their homework & frolic in the water a bit...
Today I thought I would showcase another great stamping company that I love~ Stampin Up. I used to be a 'hobby' demo in a previous version on my life ~ but now I am just a happy customer. I had dreams of hosting fun stamp camps in my home ~ but alas, now that is impossible ~ just too small of a place... back to my Life 2.0... the adorable mouse is from a retired set called And Everything Mice & it's colored using the SU Watercolor Crayons ~ which are my 2nd favorite coloring tools after my Copics. I'm not too sure about the papers that were used ~ as this is a card that I put together for the WishRAK Cards for the Troops Challenge back in Jan 09.
If anyone knows how to get my heading picture centered on the top ~ please leave me a comment ~
Actually, I love all comments ~ so feel free to leave me one regardless!!!